# Course overview

Git is a version management tool which is widely used in software development. This course is in essence a course on Git for those interested without any prior knowledge of version management tools. The goal is to introduce Git principles, tools and workflows for collaboration with others. Also, this course introduces Markdown, a simple markup language, which is used for documentation. If you're only interested in Git, the first five chapters should give you a thorough basis.

The rest of the course uses Git and Markdown as basic blocks: VuePress for static site generation, automatically deploying your VuePress site to Netlify and Markdown-based presentations.

# Table of contents

  1. Version management
  2. Git tools
  3. Git intro
  4. Markdown
  5. Collaborating with Git
  6. Static site generation with Vuepress
  7. Deploying your site to Netlify
  8. Marp presentations

This course follows the "eating your own dogfood" principle, check out the GitHub repository.

This is a devbit course developed by Electronics-ICT at the VIVES university of applied sciences in Bruges.

devbit logo VIVES logo

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.